The difference between Stuffology and traditional clutter clearing & why it matters

There is a big BIG difference between Stuffology and traditional professional organizing/clutter clearing. Last week I gave a short presentation to a networking group. There was an older gentleman sitting quietly at one of the tables with his hands folded out in front...

For those of you that adore a good question

There are some people in the world that just adore a good question. I am one of them. I adore asking good questions and I adore answering them. I also like to reflect on where I’ve been, all the “what’s happened” at the end of the year. I’m not a New Years resolution...

Why do I do that? The 411 on cold water dipping.

I love to cold plunge and get asked about it a lot so here's some 411. First, what I get most often is that that I’m crazy to do this. Why would I voluntarily get in freezing cold water? Well, the water is rarely “freezing” but I get what people mean. This morning it...

Preparing for the holidays…advice from a Professional Organizer

THE HOLIDAYS...A wonderful time of the year and also, a time that can be get on all of our nerves.  So then, how do we get our homes ready for the holidays with more ease, fun and less stress? Finding ways to keep the holidays a joyful time is key and—and can also be...

When it comes to Stuffology…here’s what I know to be true.

You're reading my blog so you probably already know that I'm full-on passion and purpose driven around two subjects, Stuffology™ and Space Clearing. These live in my eco-system of Energy Work and yes, both services definitely do impact you and the energy in your home!...

Latest On The Blog


Mari the Cat

Mari the Cat

SOMETIMES on space clearing jobs, I have help! This time, it was Mari the cat. A week or so ago, I drove out to clear a property on the peninsula that’s going through a big remodel. It’s *out* there, surrounded by woods, and sooo extra extra quiet. You can not...

2023 End of the Year Questions

2023 End of the Year Questions

Enjoy Friends! I am grateful for you. Happy New Year. For a clickable link to the questions-->2023 Year in Review for the questions. Or here they are in full: Year in Review ~2023 COMPLETIONS AND 2024 NEW BEGINNINGS~ 1. What was the smartest decision you made in 2023?...

Letting Go is Hard

Letting Go is Hard

Letting go is hard and not for the faint of heart. I’ve been organizing and decluttering my whole life and I’m here to tell you something; the struggle is real. But the journey is worth it. I’ve had these Converse ALL*STAR’s since I was 16 years old. That’s the 80’s...

My BEST organizing advice…in ONE word

My BEST organizing advice…in ONE word

I’ve been working with clients for a good long time. Over the years, patterns emerged with similar story lines and themes that popped up again and again. It’s these patterns that have made it terrifically crystal clear about… • WHAT keeps people from getting after...

Happy (almost) New Year. The Annual Questions!

Happy (almost) New Year. The Annual Questions!

Well Hello Friends? It's THAT TIME, the annual End of the Year Questions! Yessssss, I do this every year. It's my tradition! I'm on my twenty-first year sending out these questions. Can you believe it? I do hope you enjoy them because I wouldn't keep sending them if I...

Stuffology happens…

Stuffology happens…

If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you know we just endured an epic heat wave. It's been a week or so (9 days, whose counting?) but the burn still feels for real. It was rough. I don't like hot weather. You're never ever ever gonna catch me pining for a nice sun...

Spring is Coming

Spring is Coming

Hey there... It's been a bit. I know. I've been missing you but the truth is, I've been torporing. Not sure if you can conjugate torpor into a verb but I'm rolling with it. I'm really diggin' this new concept and even more, how it seems to spot ON define what I've...

Happy Holidays ?  I’m re-gifting this year & this is for you!

Happy Holidays ? I’m re-gifting this year & this is for you!

YES, it's THAT annual End of the Year Questions! ​But first, can I tell you something? I almost DID NOT send them out this year. Why? Because 2020 has been like no other, must we replay? Most of us would like to just keep on moving on, that rear view mirror...

Need more space? Find out where it’s hiding in your home.

Need more space? Find out where it’s hiding in your home.

If you’ve followed me at all, you already know that a lot of my clutter clearing and organizing advice is very psychology and self-discovery driven. How do you feel about what you have? Why is this or that object important to you? Tell me more about what comes up for...

Computerbattical: up close and personal

Computerbattical: up close and personal

A few months ago I was writing words, soooo many words. My inner dialogue sounded a lot like this: "Oh my gah! Sooo much to do, to get out there, especially now with Covid breathing down my back. Is time speeding up? Sure feels like it. Keep up the pace Nicole, carry...

Goodwill closed? What to do with your donations.

Goodwill closed? What to do with your donations.

I once worked with a client who had a ton of clothes. He hired me to help him go through it all, from socks to slacks. He’d lost a bunch of weight and felt totally overwhelmed with his wardrobe, now new items and old items, all muddled together. We downsized his...