the energy of pain

the energy of pain

The month of May did not go to plan. I woke up on May 1st with a sore left arm, neck and shoulder. “That’s weird” I thought, wincing with even the slightest movement. Ouch, like Wow. I thought I just slept on it wrong and headed to the chiropractor. I felt worse after...
Just dang intense

Just dang intense

SOMETIMES space clearings are just dang intense, there’s no other way to put it. Had one of those over the weekend. It doesn’t happen very often, but about 90 minutes before the session start time, I started feeling realllllllly weird. Totally out of sorts. Panicky....
space clearing for sleep

space clearing for sleep

My Spring this year started…in France! Dad and I went on another epic journey, this one to see my sister in Toulouse. We had a ball! So much fun! So many baguettes! So much cheese! Sight seeing galore! We even witnessed a very civilized, yet robust protest. Vive...
Mari the Cat

Mari the Cat

SOMETIMES on space clearing jobs, I have help! This time, it was Mari the cat. A week or so ago, I drove out to clear a property on the peninsula that’s going through a big remodel. It’s *out* there, surrounded by woods, and sooo extra extra quiet. You can not...
Spring is Coming

Spring is Coming

Hey there… It’s been a bit. I know. I’ve been missing you but the truth is, I’ve been torporing. Not sure if you can conjugate torpor into a verb but I’m rolling with it. I’m really diggin’ this new concept and even more, how...
When Homes Sell Too Fast

When Homes Sell Too Fast

PING! Text message comes in. “Can you look at a listing I have in Wallingford, before this weekend? It’s needs an energy clearing.” PING! Next text: “This is Dave Marks, by the way.” Me: “Sure! how about (blahdey blahdey) day and...
When Things Blow Up

When Things Blow Up

Not long ago I was cruising by the seafood section at Whole Foods and I heard my name called, “Nicole!”. I whipped around and there was Dave. I’ve known Dave a long time. My friend Shelly used to rent a room in his home and introduced us. Dave and I...