The difference between Stuffology and traditional clutter clearing & why it matters

There is a big BIG difference between Stuffology and traditional professional organizing/clutter clearing. Last week I gave a short presentation to a networking group. There was an older gentleman sitting quietly at one of the tables with his hands folded out in front...

For those of you that adore a good question

There are some people in the world that just adore a good question. I am one of them. I adore asking good questions and I adore answering them. I also like to reflect on where I’ve been, all the “what’s happened” at the end of the year. I’m not a New Years resolution...

Why do I do that? The 411 on cold water dipping.

I love to cold plunge and get asked about it a lot so here's some 411. First, what I get most often is that that I’m crazy to do this. Why would I voluntarily get in freezing cold water? Well, the water is rarely “freezing” but I get what people mean. This morning it...

Preparing for the holidays…advice from a Professional Organizer

THE HOLIDAYS...A wonderful time of the year and also, a time that can be get on all of our nerves.  So then, how do we get our homes ready for the holidays with more ease, fun and less stress? Finding ways to keep the holidays a joyful time is key and—and can also be...

When it comes to Stuffology…here’s what I know to be true.

You're reading my blog so you probably already know that I'm full-on passion and purpose driven around two subjects, Stuffology™ and Space Clearing. These live in my eco-system of Energy Work and yes, both services definitely do impact you and the energy in your home!...

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How to deal with the stuff that tugs at your heart

How to deal with the stuff that tugs at your heart

What happens when you’ve got an enormous amount of stuff that you don’t use, barely touch, forget your even have but your emotional attachment to it is for real. Take for example, a wispy little kerchief I run across from time to time. I don’t use kerchiefs (images of...

What I wanted to tell the Rental Agent…but didn’t

What I wanted to tell the Rental Agent…but didn’t

The other day I was just minding my own business, out with Daisy and mostly waiting for her to finish sniffing a random plant. It had been well over a minute by now. I noticed a woman sitting in a lawn chair out in front of the home across the street. The front door...

All the STUFF! Tackling Clutter during Corona

All the STUFF! Tackling Clutter during Corona

A friend FaceTimed me the other day and man, she didn’t look quite right. “Hey there, you okay…?” I asked. The dam broke. “IT’S JUST ALL THE STUFF!” she wailed. She went on to describe what I know many of us are feeling right now—our homes just won’t stay tidy and...

April *ONLINE* classes! So much good stuff.

April *ONLINE* classes! So much good stuff.

APRIL ONLINE CLASS SCHEDULE IS *LIVE* I'd love for you to join me for one or ALL! ? TWO new offerings: "How to use a pendulum" (used to teach this eons ago, why did I stop?) and "Tuning up your online office space". All classes offered through All...

Downsizing 101: What You Do Before You Start

Downsizing 101: What You Do Before You Start

My family moved around a lot when I was a kid. And I mean, A LOT. I went to thirteen elementary schools and four junior highs. I wish I could say, “Oh, I just got used to it” but no, that’s not what happened. You, I, all humans everywhere, we don’t “get used to”...

Tell me something awesome

Tell me something awesome

I have this habit I do every morning when I'm out on my first walk o' the day with Daisy. I ask myself, "What's something unexpected that happened yesterday?" I don't hurry up and answer it. I take my time. ​ This has been a pretty easy question to answer lately! ​ It...

I was on the 425 Show with Nicole Mangina!

I was on the 425 Show with Nicole Mangina!

Hey Friends, On March 4th, I was a guest on the 425 Show with Nicole Mangina! Talk about a new friend for life! She is just great and so was the conversation. Check it out here and let me know what you thought.

What happened when I Stuffologized my closet

What happened when I Stuffologized my closet

TRUE CONFESSION. I Stuffologized my closet last week and I’m still, days later, reeling from it. The day after I did it, I dreamt about a pair of jeans that I’d put in the donate bag and woke up super sad about giving them away. It’s really time, but I still felt sad....

Stuffology ONLINE!  Join me, from the comfort of your living room

Stuffology ONLINE! Join me, from the comfort of your living room

Stuffology! A whole new way to approach clutter & organizing. Monday, February 3, 2020 from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM You can register here! You've been wanting to get organized! You've even read all the books and followed all the methods! But—it's just not happening. Or...

I have a question for you…

I have a question for you…

Okay, it's not just one question, it's a bunch of questions, as in 64! (For the quick, "Get to the questions already!" Click here: 2019 Year in Review.) Those of you that know me, know about these annual questions. Around twenty years ago, they were passed along to me...