by nicoleadmin | Mar 18, 2021 | Blog, Energy Work, Space Clearing, Stuffology
Hey there… It’s been a bit. I know. I’ve been missing you but the truth is, I’ve been torporing. Not sure if you can conjugate torpor into a verb but I’m rolling with it. I’m really diggin’ this new concept and even more, how...
by nicoleadmin | Oct 22, 2020 | Blog, Energy Work
We’ve all had it happen: you leave a party, a work event or maybe a family gathering and oooof, where’s your bed already…NAPTIME! But you’re not really tired, exactly. What is it? You felt fine before the event or encounter—but now, it feels...
by nicoleadmin | Oct 25, 2019 | Blog, Energy Work
“It was one of the best weeks of my life.” I know, that’s a big declaration. But that’s what I keep saying when people ask me about the Joe Dispenza workshop I attended a few months ago. I got introduced to Joe’s way back when “What...
by nicoleadmin | May 29, 2019 | Blog, Energy Work, Space Clearing
Recently, I cleared three older homes, all in the same neighborhood of Seattle, Capitol Hill. (One of my FAVORITE neighborhoods in Seattle, btw!) A Windermere broker intelligently hired me and we scheduled the three clearings all within a three week time frame. I...
by nicoleadmin | Apr 27, 2019 | Blog, Energy Work, Space Clearing
PING! Text message comes in. “Can you look at a listing I have in Wallingford, before this weekend? It’s needs an energy clearing.” PING! Next text: “This is Dave Marks, by the way.” Me: “Sure! how about (blahdey blahdey) day and...
by nicoleadmin | Apr 6, 2019 | Blog, Energy Work
“How do you keep yourself from getting drained?” Hands down, this is the #1 question I get asked when people hear what I do for a living. And I used to give really elaborate answers. Answers that would make the person asking the question about getting drained, look...
by nicoleadmin | Apr 2, 2019 | Blog, Energy Work
A few weeks ago, I had a new client who came to see me at the wee cottage and it was amazeballs. And I mean that literally. A client came to me…with her crystal ball! She refers to herself as a ‘third generation intuitive’ and had inherited the ball....
by nicoleadmin | Mar 1, 2019 | Blog, Energy Work, Space Clearing
A couple just hired me to clear their newly purchased home. The wife, Rebecca, thought an energy clearing session would be a groovy way to set the tone in their new forever home. SO SMART! I love her already. Rebecca and I set up the session via text. I was trying to...
by nicoleadmin | Jan 30, 2019 | Blog, Energy Work, Space Clearing
I was hired to clear a For Sale home in Magnolia — a beautiful, mostly residential neighborhood in Seattle that overlooks the Puget Sound. The home was not selling and it was SO dire that the owners took it off the market, waited for it to refresh and then re-listed...
by nicoleadmin | Dec 21, 2018 | Blog, Energy Work, Space Clearing
Not long ago I was cruising by the seafood section at Whole Foods and I heard my name called, “Nicole!”. I whipped around and there was Dave. I’ve known Dave a long time. My friend Shelly used to rent a room in his home and introduced us. Dave and I...
by nicoleadmin | Sep 20, 2018 | Blog, Energy Work, Space Clearing
“I love your new website! Way to go, Nic!”: a happy text from one of my best buddies on the day I launched the forever-in-my imagination website. I smile. I give myself a little pat on the back and a mental high five. “Badass”, I tell myself. So happy I finally...
by nicoleadmin | Aug 15, 2018 | Blog, Energy Work, Space Clearing
Back when I was single and living in the house of WOE (more on that another time) my roommate Lola, who had just started working at a new job, asked me if I would clear her office. It doesn’t feel right, she said. I don’t really want to be in there, she said. I can’t...